
Happy Easter!

WOW!!!!!!!! This is such a great time I love being a missionary.  This week has been a little bit more struggling because we are splitting our area with the elders in our area and so our map is not updated so we are going blind not knowing where people live and having to completely start over in our work in this area which is good because that is what we need there is so much work and there are so many people now that we will be able to help but it is a struggle to have to find them, and Satan is definitely not making it easier and never in my entire mission have I been treated so rudely but I love them still and just blame it on them not having a good day and I know that as we keep diligent we will be blessed.  My new companion is Sister Carra Miller she is from Fresno California and she is so great and awesome I love her and am excited to work with her here in Grrrr.  Sister Canaan is now in Irmo and loves it. History was made this transfer more sisters came into our mission than elders it was so much fun to be in Irmo and see so many sisters who are awesome and ready to work but we had twelve new sisters and only six elders. The Lord is truly hastening his work. So on Saturday an investigator who I taught in Florence named Queen was baptized it was the best news I could have received she deserves this gospel and has struggled so much in the past year and finally got baptized and she finally has changed and it is indescribable the joy that I feel for her .  Thank you all so much for your love and prayers know I still love you and thank you so much for your love and support.  Till next week

Love Sister Browning



So much has happened this past week I have not a clue where to start so I will start with Tuesday so on Tuesday our mission president came and we had a huge conference with all the missionaries in two stakes and then we had a Fireside for all our returning members and new members and investigators. I was so excited for Tuesday that on Monday night I could not sleep I knew that it was going to be a great help and the fireside was going to be so great and perfect for all our investigators and less actives but the worst thing happened I woke up on Tuesday morning with the flu and as sick as could be I was so sad because I knew that I would not be able to go that evening to the fireside but we decided to call President because he was at our church building and ask him if he could give me a blessing and he was glad to do it and so he did and then for the rest of the day I went home and slept and when I woke up that night and felt so much better and was able to go to the fireside I know that the priesthood healed me and that Heavenly Father allowed me to feel better so I could go and support our investigators who we had coming which all loved it and felt the spirit so strong. One of the r was Ed Banks who has a lot of guilt from his past life but  you could t ell he felt peace and felt the saviors love for him it was pretty neat
       So things have switched up and the 1st Presidency have given us more time to email and has given us permission to email all friends and family so have at it if you want to email me feel free to do it.
     Then the rest of the week has been overcoming the flu since my body needed rest so I took it easy and also did not want to spread my germs because it was so horrible but I survived and feel so much better. So this Wed is transfers and there are 12 new sisters coming to our mission and there are not enough missionaries to train so President Holm called us and asked if we would both train Sister Canaan has not been here more than 5 weeks and is already a trainer and I will be training again in Greer. I am so excited to be staying in Greer I love it here the people are so nice and friendly and I get three months to be here and give all I can to strengthen and help these people come unto Christ.
     I love this work and love being a missionary it is so great and I am so glad to be able to watch this historic even unfold.  We are swimming deep but it is so sweet and so excellent to be here and to serve at this time.  I studied this past week about the savior and his arms of love and how no matter afraid you may be or whatever trial his arms are always out stretched and it matters not how far you are you can never be where he can’t reach you and I know with all the new missionaries he will use them as his arms to reach them wherever they may be and I love it.  I love y'all and will talk to you next week be good and be safe and thanks for your love and prayers.
Love Sister Bronwing


Happy St. Patrick's Day and Day Light Savings!

Well this week has been oh so great. We started off by getting a new car which was very nice.  We have met so many cool people that can only be miracle from Heavenly Father.  the first is Lisa Baker she is a less active and we decided to go and visit her and when we got there she was talking to us through a window trying to tell us to leave but I did not want to leave because I thought she can come and open the door and tell us and second of all it was extremely windy and the house was a great wind block.  Eventually she came to the door and started to talk with us and she told us of all the things that happened and she just felt the spirit and completely changed we were only able to share a quick but powerful thought and leave but she is so sweet and her mom is not a member was very sweet as well and it was very cool to be the instrument at that time for them.  The second person is Anissa we met her while looking for a less active member and she is very special and sweet she had memegitus when she was five and so mentally she struggles but we met her and her very protective brothers and they were so sweet and knew who we were and what we did and asked us to keep visiting her and so we are and she is so funny and kind I love her already and am excited to have met her.  The third and fourth person is Thomas and his daughter Caroline who is 13 they are so awesome we found them looking for a less active and the great part is that they are looking for a church and then we come and they are interested and want to come to church especially Caroline who loves us and is always anxiously waiting for us to come on the day of our appointment Caroline has decided to be baptized on the 30th of Mar she is excited and Thomas will get there he has some issues with Joseph Smith but I feel we can work them out.  We are having another No More Strangers Fireside tomorrow and a lot of our investigators are planning on coming including Thomas and Caroline I know it will only confirm to them that this church is true. 
I have learned a lot about service and the importance that we all need to serve no matter what or who it is because that is what the Savior did all his life it was never about him he never thought about himself he just worked and served so many that needed him and even though he is physically not here we have the responsibility to be his hands.  This is something I am working on it is easy as a missionary to lose focus and get distracted and so I am going to be more focused and enjoy the now of my mission not the past or the future but the now and right now I am so happy and would not want to be anywhere else.  I love y'all and thank you for your love and prayers and I will talk to you next week. Happy St Patrick’s Day
love Sister Browning


Hey Ya'll!

Well Happy spring it sure feels like it here I love the south.  Last Monday we had Elder Nash come to our mission and he focused on the atonement and it sparked a desire to learn more so I did and focused a lot of my study on the atonement of the Savior and it is perfect with Easter coming up.  This past week we have been doing a lot of walking which is nice and healthy but it has been amazing of the miracles that we have seen and the people that we have met. One evening we were wondering on where we should go and we felt inspired to go and see a less active member she is so strong and solid but we have not been able to figure out what is holding her back and so I felt inspired to ask about tithing and she said that is something she struggled with due to lack of funds and low paying job.  We did what we could and said what we could and so hopefully we can better help her have the faith she wants to so badly but she just needs the faith.  I love being a missionary I love being able to represent the Savior and his gospel and to be with so many people who have great faith in Jesus I have learned to love and be patient with all people and their own beliefs I love how this gospel only builds on the faith you already have and never destroys if you believe in Christ that is a great foundation and the Book of Mormon will add so much more faith this gospel and church I have seen it in my life especially the past nine months and I love it  is tough and challenging but so worth it.  I love y'all and thank you for your prayers and love they are felt and appreciated. Have a great week and talk to ya’ll next Monday.
Love, Sister Browning